Session 51-2F

Starting 19.09. 17:30


The virtual realities of hydro-meteorological extremes

Throughout the last decades, rapid changes in the Earth System have led to unequal effects of climate change across the planet. As a result, there has been an increase in social inequalities. The predictability of extreme hydro-meteorological events such as e.g. droughts and floods is now very variable across the globe. Arnal et 6 al look back from a future where technologies such as virtual reality are mainstream and can be used to forecast and anticipate extreme events as well as warn those at risk.

Louise Arnal, Maria-Helena Ramos, Florian Pappenberger, Bart van den Hurk, Micha Werner, Linus Magnusson, Hannah L. Cloke


First contact after the Blank Days / Delegation from Kathmandu

What does the world look like after a decade-long, widespread ecological, political, economic, and social collapse – the Blank days? A delegation from Nepal reaches Munich after months of travel by airship caravan and years of no contact. They share their indigenous community knowledge in order to help develop a sustainable society.

Will Tuladhar-Douglas

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Related speakers

Louise Arnal 
Maria-Helena Ramos 
Florian Pappenberger 
Bart van den Hurk 
Bhavana & Will Tuladhar-Douglas 
Hannah L. Cloke 
Linus Magnusson 


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Usefulness of Turbulence as a Training Tool Usefulness of Turbulence as a Training Tool