Linus Magnusson
Linus Magnusson

Linus Magnusson

On Linus' contribution

The virtual realities of hydro-meteorological extremes

Throughout the last decades, rapid changes in the Earth System have led to unequal effects of climate change across the planet. As a result, there has been an increase in social inequalities. The predictability of extreme hydro-meteorological events such as e.g. droughts and floods is now very variable across the globe. Magnusson et 6 al look back from a future where technologies such as virtual reality are mainstream and can be used to forecast and anticipate extreme events as well as warn those at risk.

Linus Magnusson et 6 al present their work on day 2 of T2051MCC. On this day it is assumed that global heating has remained below 1.5°C.

Some background on Linus

European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts, Reading, UK

Linus Magnusson obtained his PhD from Stockholm University in 2009 and joined ECMWF shortly after. He started his work on ocean initialisation and ENSO forecasting and he also worked on sea-ice modelling. For 2011 he is working on diagnostics and forecast evaluation. His research interests include model climate and variability diagnostics, medium-range forecast error propagation, diagnostics for processes in the Arctic and severe weather around the globe such as tropical cyclones.

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