Hannah L. Cloke
Hannah L. Cloke

Hannah L. Cloke

On Hannah's contribution

The virtual realities of hydro-meteorological extremes

Throughout the last decades, rapid changes in the Earth System have led to unequal effects of climate change across the planet. As a result, there has been an increase in social inequalities. The predictability of extreme hydro-meteorological events such as e.g. droughts and floods is now very variable across the globe. Cloke et 6 al look back from a future where technologies such as virtual reality are mainstream and can be used to forecast and anticipate extreme events as well as warn those at risk.

Hannah L. Cloke et 6 al present their work on day 2 of T2051MCC. On this day it is assumed that global heating has remained below 1.5°C.

Some background on Hannah

University of Reading, UK; Uppsala University, Sweden; Centre for Natural Hazards and Disaster Science, Sweden

Prof. Dr Hannah L. Cloke OBE is a physical geographer, natural hazards researcher, climate scientist and hydrologist specialising in earth system modelling, flood forecasting, catchment hydrology, applications of Numerical Weather Predictions and science communication.

Hannah advises government, forecasting authorities and humanitarian agencies on flooding and provides expert commentary in the media. She is currently a Fellow of the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) where she is researching Earth System modelling, land surface processes and flood forecasting. Hannah’s research also partners with many other climate services, forecasting agencies and humanitarian actors.

Hannah was appointed Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in 2019 for services to flood forecasting and the development of hazard early warning systems. She has also been awarded the 2018 Plinius Medal of the European Geosciences Union and the 2019 British Hydrological Society’s President’s Prize.

Hannah obtained a BSc (1999) and PhD (2003) in Geography from the University of Bristol, UK. She then worked at the European Commission Joint Research Centre in Ispra, Italy on the European Flood Alert System and then from 2004 lectured at in the Department of Geography at King’s College London, UK. In 2012 she moved to the University of Reading.

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