Thorsten Grantner
Thorsten Grantner

Thorsten Grantner

On Thorsten's contribution

Rehab Republic, FutureCamp Climate, Omnicert

T2051MCC Zero Waste and Climate Neutrality Concept

Some background on Thorsten

OmniCert Umweltgutachter

As founder and Managing Director of OmniCert Umweltgutachter GmbH Thorsten Grantner specialized in certifying agricultural biogas plants and sustainable management systems. After obtaining his degree in environmental and technical engineering he then worked for well-known companies such as Siemens AG focusing on power plant construction.

Since 2009 he is an environmental auditor accredited by Deutschen Akkreditierungs- und Zulassungsgesellschaft für Umweltgutachter mbH. As member of the advisory board of environmental auditors for the Federal German Government he also engages himself in further implementing the European environmental management system EMAS and setting standards for environmental auditors in general.

Thorsten Grantner and his team review over 1.000 agricultural and industrial biogas plants as well as heat and power plants every year. In addition, OmniCert validates operational safety standards and compliance with water legislation for these plants as well as management systems such as EMAS, ISO 50001 and ISO 40001 for companies and non-profit organizations from various business areas.

Follow omnicert on twitter @OmniCert_de  and LinkedIn

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