Nicholas Powell
Nicholas Powell

Nicholas Powell

On Nicholas' contribution

Dear Agony Aunt: Epistolary notes from an everyday future

What does everyday life look like in the UK in 2051? Nico Powell looks back from an everyday future to pinpoint actions and decisions that lead to his present: In March 2021 the Bristol City Council approved a motion that committed them to recommend the cause of reparations to the UK Government. The reactions varied and unleashed a chain of events that could lead to very different climate outcomes. The empirical material for Powells analysis are so called agony aunt letters that could be sent to newspapers and were answered by an editor.

Nicholas Powell presents two versions of his work. On day 1 it is assumed that global heating has surpassed 2°C. On day 2 it is assumed that global heating has remained below 1.5°C.

Some background Nicholas

University of Edinburgh – MSc Environment, Culture and Society, Edinburgh, UK

Nicholas has recently graduated from a Masters in Edinburgh, receiving the Best Dissertation Prize for his work: learning the trip: a method for the Anthropocene. Inspired by the wide scope of the Environmental Humanities, he developed a playful and experimental transdisciplinary method defined by its tentacular approach to thinking-with the issues at hand.

He is now a freelance writer in Bristol, UK. There he collaborates with numerous community gardening initiatives and rewilding projects, believing strongly in the revolutionary potential of everyday multispecies encounters.

His next academic project (PHD) draws from his interest in the geographies of liminal spaces between the urban/rural and core/periphery binaries, as well as the effects of unplanned rewilding in Spain – to hopefully deliver an ethnographic account of some scenes of “awkward flourishing” in the so-called Emptied Spain. Its working title is: Anthroposcenes in the Emptied Spain: mapping the emergence of the new rural.

Find out more on Twitter @NicoPFS.

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