Anna Varga
Anna Varga

Anna Varga

On Anna's contribution

Proposed silvopastoral management solutions to the environmental and economic problems of the Carpathian Basin after the drought of 1862-1863

Researching on silvopastoral management solutions in the Carpathian Basin after the drought of 1862-1863, Varga discovered that papers from the 19th century were often more developed than those in the early 21st century.  In a present the answers that are already there are often overlooked. Varga will look back at what can be learned from the 19th century papers she studied from a day on a pasture land in 2051.

Anna Varga presents her work on day 1 of T2051MCC. On this day it is assumed that global heating has surpassed 2°C.

Some background on Anna

Environmental Humanities Research Group, Department of European Ethnology and Cultural Antrophology, University of Pécs, Hungary

Anna Varga is a biologist, weaver, forest pedagogue and former Rachel Carson Fellow (2019-2020). She works on ethnobiology and environmental history topics in the Carpathian Basin.  She is passionate about finding and understand the link between historical and present environmental phenomenon and landuse systems. Her current research work is focusing on the forest and pasture commons and enclosures during the 18-19th Century (NKFIH PD 135651).

In her Ph.D., she worked on traditional ecological knowledge, landscape history, and vegetation science of the Hungarian silvopastoral systems. She was actively involved in the forest grazing policy work, as a result of it was possible to graze again legally after 56 years. She was the Student Representative of the International Society of Ethnobiology’ Board between 2012-2014 and the Board member of Society for Conservation Biology – Europe Section between 2018-2020. She was the leader of the Hungarian Association for Land and People  NGO for 15 years. Follow Anna on Twitter @a_varga_etnobio or Facebook and find out more on 

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Session, 18.09. 15:00
Anna Varga, Renata Tyszczuk
51-e25 51-e25